I’ve always been an auditory learner and a verbal lover, so once I discovered phone sex like this while I was in college, I was hooked and it became a regular part of the rotation of ways I’d get myself off. You just call in, affirm that you’re an adult gay man (although presumably bi and queer people use it too), and then you can either enter a conference room or be matched with a series of guys for one-on-one chat until you find one you match with. I’ve never been able to figure out if it’s a non-profit or, if not, how it makes any money because it’s completely free. Not only with friends and long-distance fuck buddies, but also on The Manhole - ☎️️: (605) 475-3353. But it hasn’t been something new for me really I’ve been having a lot of phone sex for a very long time. During this time of social distancing, I’ve been having a lot of phone sex.